Introduction of python:
Python is a dynamic,interpreted ,general purpose and high level programming language that was developed by guido van rossum and it was released in 1991. In python programming language we can easily developed website and web applications ,game etc. It support object oriented programming approach to develop
applications ,python is a very simple and easy to learn , python is also providing lot of high level data structure. It is available on a wide variety of platform including Linux, mac-os and windows etc. Python is an interpreter language that means execute codes line by line you do not need compile your program before executing . python programming language is similar to Ruby and Perl language.
"python is an ideal language for scripting and rapid applications development . python support multiprogramming pattern including in object oriented"
(1)Web applications
(2)Web scripting
(3)Game development
(5)Data science
Python is a dynamic,interpreted ,general purpose and high level programming language that was developed by guido van rossum and it was released in 1991. In python programming language we can easily developed website and web applications ,game etc. It support object oriented programming approach to develop
applications ,python is a very simple and easy to learn , python is also providing lot of high level data structure. It is available on a wide variety of platform including Linux, mac-os and windows etc. Python is an interpreter language that means execute codes line by line you do not need compile your program before executing . python programming language is similar to Ruby and Perl language.
"python is an ideal language for scripting and rapid applications development . python support multiprogramming pattern including in object oriented"
Applications of python :
(1)Web applications
(2)Web scripting
(3)Game development
(5)Data science
Example :