Module of python/ windows power shell

Module :

Module is a predefined code that is used in python code to import modules and you can do your work continue. Use of modules you write code easy and best operations performed. Because in the modules write code best form already. Such as, if you want to any mathematical operation performed in your python program then you have not need to write a large code, you can just import math module and your work is done.
 There is a lot of work you can do from modules , for this you do not need to write anything long write code. 

Types of module:-

Modules are two types 
1. External module- calculate, math etc
2. Built-in module -flask, pandas etc

How to install modules :

1.  Open your cmd prompt or windows power shell .

2.  Type command : pip install module name (flask,pandas etc)  and press enter key. 

 3.  And then finally installed and download module.

Syntax:  import pandas:

Power shell :-

   power shell is developed by Microsoft that helps task automation. Configuration management. In the power shell both of important command line shell and scripting language. Windows power shell is a task based on command line, automation platform and scripting language And it is interactive objective oriented command environment language. That use to easy of task system administrator and windows server system management. It is created in the dot net framework so it is control only windows environment. 

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